My story begins in mid-1984 in the north of the city of São Paulo (Brazil), known as "Land of Drizzle" at that time. My childhood was wonderful, with many friends, freedom and security to play freely in the streets of the neighborhood, an enormous privilege in clear contrast with the many concerns we have today...
I was always good at school, even though I didn't dedicate myself much time to studying I had ease in all subjects, but especially in the exact ones, and with little encouragement I was among those who read the most books in the library. Some books stand out and I still remember them today, such as "O Cidadão de Papel" and
"O Homem que Calculava" were among some of my favorite vampire and other supernatural books...
Curious and passionate about innovation, I remember proudly walking around school with my black boxy watch that told me the time. But the real apex was discovering the new worlds of possibilities that came through the cartridges of the Atari 2600, wow this is very nostalgic so I'm going to change the course of the conversation...
But probably without this contact with my first video games and extravagant technological gadgets my interest in electronics and programming would not have been awakened. Because after beat some games I wanted to understand how it all worked, what defines the difficulty, how they communicated and ended up generating the images on the giant, heavy tube television...
And one thing led to another until at some point my father, worried about containing my impulse to dismantle our household electronic devices, decided to enroll me in 1997 at the age of 13 in the selection process for the electronics course at SENAI Roberto Simonsen, one of the best and most popular technological teaching institutions aimed at industrial training in São Paulo at the time.
And it was from 1998 to 2000 the most intense period of study in my youth. During the next two years I would study daily for 12 hours at two different schools, 8 hours of which at SENAI Roberto Simonsen and another 4 hours of high school at the state school Albino César. It seems to make no sense, but now looking back I can connect some dots, quoting the master Steve Jobs.
The course was aimed at electrical and electronics, but it shared a grid of subjects with other courses and so we also learned industrial technical drawing, metallurgy and industrial mechanics (metal mechanics). I had contact with different metals, industrial welding machines, lathes, milling machines and industrial moldmaker. It was such an extensive curriculum that the Ministry of Education intervened and the course later ceased to exist, I think because of the workload or to avoid nervous breakdowns in middle-class teenagers, said the newspapers at the time...
But I survived and despite everything it was an incredible base of knowledge that I would use a few years later in software and game development, because despite that training specifically to work in the industry, fate reserved another path for me. Right after my graduation in December 1999, still in vacation period I got my first job, where I started my journey in the technology field...
To learn more about how I got here, visit my Personal Memories.
Thought: I should rather be a man of paradoxes than a man of prejudices.